The Landcare movement commenced in Australia in the 1980s to assist farmer groups and other community groups (Bushcare, Rivercare, etc.) to engage with the wider community to share knowledge, test scientific findings and access funding to better manage Australia’s natural assets at a local level.
With government-funded financial support, and local on-ground support from agencies, hundreds of Landcare Groups were established at local or regional levels, reaching maximum numbers in the 1990s.
Co-ordinators were funded for individual or clusters of Landcare Groups to help organise activites and liaison. Funds were made available for group discussion sessions, field days, knowledge gathering, formal courses and on-ground implementation of projects.
The practical and social outcomes from such actions have clearly been beneficial to group members and have improved land management practices and the condition of the land being managed.
The number of groups has declined since the 1990s but the Landcare movement remains strong and effective.

Soil Knowledge Network Position Statement
The Soil Knowledge Network strongly supports the concept and practice of the local group approach to land management through Landcare, and recommends continued financial and institutional support for the organisation and the activities of Landcare Groups.